Thursday, February 5, 2009

Seventh Angel- Torment

seventh angel is a early thrash band from England. to my knowledge they only put out two full length albums. this is the first one. released in 1990, this album satisfied my need for heavy christian metal. they style is thrash, but they definitely developed their own sound. for some it took a couple of listens for it to sink in. some i was immediately blown away by the opening track as well as Dr. Hatchet. a great album with lots of crunch. i wish they were still around, i believe they could have kept making great metal for years. enjoy...
the song list is as follows:

Seventh Angel - The Torment (Edge/Pure Metal) 1990

1. "Tormented Forever" (4:21)
2. "The Charmer" (7:16)
3. "Forbidden Desires" (3:43)
4. "I of the Needle" (5:38)
5. "Expletive Deleted" (3:24)
6. "Dr. Hatchet" (6:04)
7. "Locked Up in Chains" (5:09)
8. "Acoustic Interlude" [instrumental] (:39)
9. "Katie" (9:41)
10. "Epilogue" (1:48)


  1. damn near everything you've put up here is stuff i have just been 'getting around to' putting up on my blog. the first 2 seventh angel albums were great. i've liked pretty much everything ian arkley has been involved with since. you?

  2. dude, this is so freakin awesome! its so good to get these rare releases out...

  3. the new seventh angel 'the dust of years' is out. i'm listening to it now. more vocal change ups than on the other two albums. also, believer's new one is pretty kick ass
