Friday, February 13, 2009

Paramaecium- Exhumed Of The Earth

This is the band Jason from Mortification was in after mortification went lame. sorry, changed direction. this is straight up doom metal. its slow, its heavy and its dark. the inclusion of the soprano in the mix is excellent.the rest of the albums pretty much follow the same vein, they're all pretty sweet. after this Jason went on the the black metal tour de force called Horde. anyway enjoy this album, you're going to need a little patience to get thru the whole thing. enjoy!
song list is as follows:

Paramaecium - Exhumed of the Earth by Paramaecium (R.E.X.) 1994

1. The Unnatural Conception" in two parts (17:00)
...a. The Birth
...b. The Massacre of the Innocents
2. "Injudicial" (4:35)
3. "The Killing" (6:27)
4. "The Voyage of the Severed" (9:21)
5. "Untombed" (10:30)
6. "Haemorrhage of Hatred" (7:17)
7. "Removed of the Grave" (10:35)


  1. if you're interested, i just posted the 'repentance' ep over at my blog which includes the demo silent carnage as well as two rerecordings. much in the death doom vein of exhumed.

  2. sweet, I'm headed over there now!

  3. so what did you think of it? i sure do love the sound on silent carnage (also the first paramaecium i heard)...though it is 'strange' i suppose. so yeah..what did you think of it?? :)

  4. pretty freakin awesome. i love the ancient sound of paramacium
