Monday, February 9, 2009

Living Sacrifice- Inhabit

This is the third release from Living Sacrifice. they peaked as musicians with this album, in my opinion. where Nonexistant was the uncontrollable brutal extreme release, Inhabit is the Goliath about to kick your ass. i had a hard time believing at first that lance the drummer could play that fast. i mean, he sounded like a machine! it was supersonic destroyer drums. this is a very heavy, dark, and brutal album. after this they started going with whatever the popular metal sound was that day. enjoy this, folks, it'll re-arrange your insides...
song list is as follows:

Living Sacrifice - Inhabit (R.E.X.) 1994

1.In the Shadow (2:58)
2.Not Beneath (6:32)
3.Sorrow Banished (2:57)
4.Unseen (3:42)
5.Inhabit (3:46)
6.Breathing Murder (4:26)
7.Mind Distant (5:41)
8.Darkened (3:54)
9.Indwelling (3:13)
10.Departure (7:08)


  1. can't find a damn thing wrong with inhabit, though i miss (to this day) the nonexistent vocals. i know i'm probably alone in that. watching them do the title track in 98 was a crazy experience.

  2. dude, thanks you!! i love the nonexistant vocals! i wish i could have seen that show in 98!
